Johnson County School District Welcomes Mr. Matt Ratliff as Safe School Coordinator

I come from a long line of Ratliffs who have worn the Eagle badge with pride. Like my father, aunts, uncles, and cousins, I began my educational career as a Central Elementary Falcon, and I am so excited to end my career where I began.  I have always remembered the excitement of the band playing the Wipeout during the basketball games in the 80s.  I remember walking those hallways and playing in the HS gym, and now I will get to watch my children enjoy that same experience. 

I have served as a public educator for 19 years.  I began my teaching career under the tutelage of Shirley Chafin and continued my teaching career in the English classroom
for 11 years. The last 8 years I have worked in central office and performed various roles from Instructional Coordinator to District Assessment Coordinator. 

Carrie and I are so blessed and excited to have the opportunity to join the Eagle family!  As the new Safe Schools Coordinator, I look forward to serving all the stakeholders of the Johnson County School District. #WingsUp 

Matt Ratliff

Safe School Coordinator

Johnson County School District